Fort Ad Pays

Hi, I’m your sponsor in Fort Ad Pays. Congratulations for joining the most sustainable Internet site.

In this site you’ll find a mixture of Revenue Shares and PTC (ClixSense, OjoooTrafficmonsoon or NeoBux) . You can purchase Shares from only 1$ and matures at 2’20$ with a pure profit of 120% (220 ROI).

You only have to click on Finance and Add funds, you’ll see there’s no commission applied.

When you have the money on your balance click on Finance and Purchase Shares, there you can set the shares you want to purchase. As easy as that.
You can start with 1 share but you know the more Shares you purchase the more profit you will get.

And remember, it has 10 tiers (10 levels) of referrals and you get money from all of them. From your direct referrals, from the referrals of your referrals, from the referrals of the referrals of your referrals, etc. up to 10 levels.

In addition you can watch every day 2-4 ads like in other PTC site. In order to qualify for the earnings of your Shares you only have to surf 8 ads. Nothing else.

It’s very very sustainable with new videos every day talking about the improvements and any new. Payments are done in the same day of request.

Remember that you earn money not only fron your Revenue Shares but from the PTC ads and from your 10-level referrals!

If you have any doubt please, write me back

Best regards

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